The Making of Modern America: An Industrial Nation, 1877 to 1929
"Jim Crow" This PBS site contains information on the Jim Crow era and a century of segregation: laws, personal stories and biographies, and a lesson plans on the Jim Crow Era.
1876 Centennial Exhibition The Free Library of Philadelphia hosts this site dedicated to the history and organization of the 1876 Centennial Exhibition, a celebration of 100 years of American cultural and industrial progress. The site provides some activities for the classroom. The images are copyrighted for use in the classroom.
1912: Competing Visions for America Hosted by Ohio State University, the site focuses on the presidential election from that year with primary and secondary text and sources available.
American Imperialism The Internet Modern History Sourcebook for American Imperialism. This site provides links to primary and secondary sources and to other sites on American imperialism.
Clash of Culture Hosted by Ohio State University, the site examines the Scopes Trial, the KKK, prohibition and the New Woman during the 1910s and 1920s. Include both primary sources and background text.
Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War PBS site covers the Spanish American War and American Imperialism. This site provides a timeline and special menu topics, such as 1890s music and yellow journalism.
Documenting "The Other Half": The Social Reform Photography of ... Jacob Riis, and Lewis Hine were social photographers whose work appeared in several New York newspapers, which documented the living and working conditions of the poor. Through articles, books, photography, and lantern-slide lectures, Riis and Hine served as mediators between working-class, middle-class, and upper-class citizens.
Immigration for Teachers Library of Congress website on immigration in America with a specific emphasis on teachers. It provides primary source sets, sample lesson plans, exhibitions and presentations on immigration. and the subject. This site contains a menu that teachers or their students can use to research various immigrant groups: Native Americans, African Americans, German, Irish, Mexican, Japanese, etc.
Imperialism This website is designed specifically for teachers conducting lessons on the age of Imperialism. It provides a historical narrative of events and political issues that influenced American imperialism from the expansion of U.S. trade in the Pacific to intervention in Latin America during the last half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th.
The Spanish-American War The Library of Congress website explores the world of 1898 and includes maps, a timeline and links to American memory collections that contain primary sources about the war. For other primary source and personal accounts see The Spanish-American War Centennial Website and the New York Public Library's Digital Image Gallery.
William McKinley Presidential Library & Museum The website contains limited historic content although by visiting the museum and library, located in Canton, Ohio, one can see exhibits and find resources that view national developments through a local filter, such as Canton in wartime.
Theodore Roosevelt Collection Housed at Harvard University and containing a wide array of personal papers, photographs, and writings that cover Teddy's early years, the Spanish-American War, the Presidency and electoral campaigns.
The Great War, PBS This is the companion site to the PBS documentary on the First World War. It includes original text of soldiers who participated in the war, politicians and commanders from both sides and animated maps.
World War I Thousands of identified photos, obituaries & short records of service of First World War officers, soldiers, sailors, nurses, airmen and civilian workers. Search database by surname or regiment. There are also many images of female workers on the homefront, music and war propaganda posters. Also see Georgetown University's website for U.S. propaganda posters from World War I. is a comprehensive but non academic site, which should be used with caution.
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library Covers momentous events during the Wilson presidential years such as the Federal Reserve, Women's suffrage, World War I, the Fourteen Points & the Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, immigration and Prohibition. Teachers can search image collection on elibrary page. Links to excellent lesson plans for teachers.