Census Finder Operated in conjunction with the U.S. Census Bureau. Links to census records for the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, and Norway are available. Can search state and county census records. For United States data see "U.S. Census Records." | Operated by the Economic History Association, this site provides links to various features including "Measuring Worth," which allows economic conversion from past to present in terms of earnings, prices, GDP, interest and exchange rates. |
Gallup Polls & the Gallup Poll Cumulative Index Offers information on public opinion poll questions and topics beginning in the 1930s. Teachers can view the questions but not participate in the polls unless they are subscribers. |
Historical Census Browser A collection of census statistics and topics by state and county, with categories ranging from economy and manufacturing to ethnicity and slave population. Using data and the “map It” option, teachers can provide an interactive map of census data for students in the classroom. |
Statistical Abstract of the U.S. A diennial record of statistics on commerce, industry and agriculture as well as population and immigration. PDF files cover the years 1878-1900 can also be found. |
U.S. Presidential Election Maps Operated by the University of Virginia Library at Popular and electoral vote totals mapped by state for each presidential election since 1860 to 1996 with a link to a map of the 2000 election results. |
U.S. GenWeb Census Project Volunteers have digitized a large number of entries from census inventories that were taken as part of the federal census. Some of this data goes back to the mid-nineteenth century. Data from this site is free; more extensive census data is for sale at sites such as and |