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Primary Source Analysis and Other Materials


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Historical Currency  If you would like to find the historic value of the US dollar, e.g., what is $1.00 in 1820 worth today, this site provides an easy way to submit a query for that information. 

Maps  This Houghton Mifflin site allows reproductions of outline maps of US history and graphic organizers for classroom use.

News in History Website offers 200 years of American newspapers -an invaluable digital archive of primary source information. 

Primary Sources and the Web  The History Matters site (previously noted under America History heading) is also helpful concerning analysis of primary sources and the use of the web. The “Digital Blackboard” on this site offers lesson plans for 9-12 grades.

Skills  Based on A Midwife's Tale, the 18th century diary of Martha Ballard, this site teaches basic skills for interpreting historical evidence to form conclusions about the past. 

The Learning Page at the Library of Congress  This page from the Library of Congress website offers explanations for why primary sources engage students in learning. It also offers suggestions for how to choose grade-appropriate sources and how to use them in focus, inquiry, application and assessment activities.

Using the Web  This site from Librarian John Henderson, Ithaca College, is for teachers and students to learn how to use the web as a resource for historical material. The site covers issues of accuracy, authority, objectivity, details, and value.