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Ohio History Websites


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Encyclopedia of Cleveland History

  • All of the articles from both The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History and The Dictionary of Cleveland Biography
  • High-resolution versions of the photographs and diagrams found in the original texts, which are available from the articles or through the Image Gallery
  • Continuous updates, revisions, and corrections to the text

  National Underground Railroad Freedom Center  This website provides mostly secondary source information and a timeline on the history of the abolition movement and Underground Railroad in the United States. Teachers can search for people and places identified with URR activities, information about Ohio’s many URR sites and tips for planning trips to Ohio and national URR sites using downloadable maps. There are links to the Passage to Freedom directory of Ohio URR sites and the NPS Network to Freedom, which lists national sites that have a documented connection to the URR, general background information, and case studies of individuals who escaped to freedom.

  Ohio General Assembly This website allows the user to search for current and past legislation of Ohio’s General Assembly. Teachers can search by legislative session, sponsoring legislator, subject key word and get a summary and analysis of a proposed bill or act as well as the fiscal impact on the state. The 1851 Ohio Constitution is also located here with amendments passed through 2006. 

  Ohio Historical Society  Site has links to Ohio MemoryOhio History Central, and Ohio Pix, a gallery of images under themes, such as technology, everyday life, gardening, World War II posters, famous Ohioans, inventors, industry, transportation, presidents, military and political leaders, authors, African Americans and women. The Ohio Historical Society owns the collection and one-time reproductions are allowed under terms of "fair use." 

  Ohio Public Library  The Ohio Public Library website contains information on American Indians, Ohio presidents, inventors, and women. The site offers timelines of pre-historic Indian populations, images of artifacts in "What's the Point", biographies of Ohioans, interactive activities for students, and links to other sites with information on these topics. Teachers can use the Search box to find information on topics students are studying.

  The Northeast Ohio Journal of History  The Northeast Ohio Journal of History is an on-line journal with a set of links that includes primary documents from the state and the Northeast Ohio region. 

  The University of Akron Libraries & Archives Links to databases on books, articles, journals, and Polsky Archival Services, which contains local school, industrial and business records such as the rubber industry and Ohio canals.